Monday, August 22, 2011

Baking Like an Amanda

I move to college in roughly 36 hours.

Since my sister won't be going with me to move, I decided that we'd make cupcakes together. My friend Amanda recently made a video about making rainbow cupcakes, so I figured we'd give it a try.

 I had never actually made cupcakes before. I prefer making brownies, but it was fairly simple. Butter, sugar, flour, eggs, baking powder, and vanilla extract blended together.

So we threw everything into the mixer and came out with some pretty good looking batter. It was a bit thick, but still good.

We divided this into 6 parts and colored it. I failed to take a picture of this step because when I got to the green bowl, the bottle of food dye was clogged. My sister tried to unclog it despite the fact that I asked her not to and she ended up flinging green dye all over herself, her clothes, my clothes, and me. There was an argument, she got mad at me, quit, and I continued the project by myself. The picture was forgotten.

Moving on! This is what it looked like when I filled the cups. I sort of overfilled them because I misjudged the first few layers. Like I said, I'm more of a brownie person. My sister's the cupcake queen, and she abandoned me.

I expected them to be monstrosities, but after cooking for 20 minutes they looked pretty good. They reminded me of rainbow sherbet.

I also made the frosting by Amanda's instructions. If you've never made your own frosting, it's basically just a lot of sugar and a lot of butter. Easy stuff.

It turned out pretty well, if I say so myself. Not as good as an Amanda's, but certainly not as terrible as a Dan's.

Here's the video if you want to do it yourself: