So for the last few months or so, I’ve been suffering from nearly debilitating headaches. Usually they only last a couple of hours or so, but I’ve had one now for the last TWELVE DAYS.
It’s incredibly painful and frustrating. It’s making me nauseated and confused. On Monday, I was completely unable to do basic calculus or remember lines that I’ve known for months.
I finally went to the doctor today, since starting tomorrow, I won’t have insurance for a while. After checking my temperature and blood pressure, doing bloodwork to check for infections, running a hemoglobin A1C to check my blood glucose level, and giving me an eye exam, the doctor determined that I am perfectly healthy.
Clearly, I am NOT perfectly healthy. I’ve had a FREAKING HEADACHE FOR THE LAST TWELVE DAYS.
I don’t go to the doctor for checkups. When I go, it’s because something is wrong. Nothing makes me angrier than when I go to the doctor and he tells me that I’m perfectly healthy.
So basically, he told me that my headaches are from stress and not enough sleep. He gave me some pills that are supposed to make the headache stop and help me sleep. Unfortunately, I don’t have time for more sleep. Stupid school work.
Now I have to go talk to my guidance counselor tomorrow. Fun fun fun fun. At least I’m amused by the fact that she’s shorter than me.
Classmates, if I have been irritable and snappy with you, this is why. My apologies.
TL;DR - School is literally killing me.
My goals for the year (so far):
- Read more books.
- Keep track of the books I read.
- Make new friends.
- Make a scrapbook.
- Post 100 50 videos on YouTube.
- Learn a seemingly useless but entertaining skill (boomerang, perhaps?)
- Write and produce a song.
- Learn to say "please", "thank you", and "you're welcome" in 7 new languages.
Pokemon caught: 32
Last caught: Stunky